Layout footer example
With navigation
How it looks (preview)
How to call this example
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/layout_footer", {
navigation: [
title: "Services and information",
columns: 2,
items: [
href: "/browse/benefits",
text: "Benefits"
href: "/browse/births-deaths-marriages",
text: "Births, deaths, marriages and care"
href: "/browse/business",
text: "Business and self-employed"
href: "/browse/childcare-parenting",
text: "Childcare and parenting"
href: "/browse/citizenship",
text: "Citizenship and living in the UK"
href: "/browse/justice",
text: "Crime, justice and the law"
href: "/browse/disabilities",
text: "Disabled people"
href: "/browse/driving",
text: "Driving and transport"
href: "/browse/education",
text: "Education and learning"
href: "/browse/employing-people",
text: "Employing people"
href: "/browse/environment-countryside",
text: "Environment and countryside"
href: "/browse/housing-local-services",
text: "Housing and local services"
href: "/browse/tax",
text: "Money and tax"
href: "/browse/abroad",
text: "Passports, travel and living abroad"
href: "/browse/visas-immigration",
text: "Visas and immigration"
href: "/browse/working",
text: "Working, jobs and pensions"
title: "Departments and policy",
items: [
href: "/government/how-government-works",
text: "How government works"
href: "/government/organisations",
text: "Departments"
href: "/world",
text: "Worldwide"
href: "/government/policies",
text: "Policies"
href: "/news-and-communications",
text: "News and communications"
meta: {
items: [
href: "/help",
text: "Help"
href: "/help/privacy-notice",
text: "Privacy"
href: "/help/cookies",
text: "Cookies"
href: "/contact",
text: "Contact"
href: "/help/accessibility-statement",
text: "Accessibility statement"
href: "/help/terms-conditions",
text: "Terms and conditions"
href: "/cymraeg",
text: "Rhestr o Wasanaethau Cymraeg"
href: "/government/organisations/government-digital-service",
text: "Government Digital Service"
} %>