Published dates example
Display page history
This will set up an expandable section on the page, with a top border, to let users toggle the display of the page history.
How it looks (preview)
Updates to this page
Published 1st January 1990Last updated 20th October 2016 + show all updates
First published
Updated to include information for 1994
Updated information on pupil premium reviews and what information schools need to publish on their websites.
How to call this example
<%= render "components/published_dates", {
published: "1st January 1990",
last_updated: "20th October 2016",
history: [
display_time: "1st January 1990",
note: "First published",
timestamp: "1990-01-01 15:42:37 +0000"
display_time: "20th July 1995",
note: "Updated to include information for 1994",
timestamp: "1995-07-20 15:42:37 +0000"
display_time: "14th October 2000",
note: "Updated information on pupil premium reviews and what information schools need to publish on their websites.",
timestamp: "2000-10-14 15:42:37 +0000"
} %>